Oh Crap!!I mean hello??Yea...So yea...I am bored thats why I am blogging=)
HAHA!!Dont mind me just being the crazy me
OMG I seriously dunno what is wrong with me now a days its like
after 1 problem finish..Then there is another big problem coming up....And I just gotta know something..
I just dun wanna mention here..Come on la weh I know that your friend likes.....No need to cover cover
for....la please la weh...Act like some grown up kid la....If that feller like also tell me straight la its not like
I am gonna eat that feller also rite?Cause I am not a canibal la...babi sial!!Dam fun is it to see people kena touture??I try touturing you want anot?I bet you also dun want rite....But I am not gonna touture you la...
I begin to loose patient on you now weh!!!You act as if you dam blady cantik and hot...OMG The day I died also you wont be hot la..TOUCH WOOD....I mean cant you just be yourself..Gosh man!!
P.S=This is not about you babe