Omg!!Today is Skool Sports Day!!!It was really fun la!!Kay wake up at 5 plus then get ready for skool
Reach there did some stuff help crystal.....Then we all lepak at 5 sc 2 cause was waiting for our turn to do performance...Blablabla...While waiting in the class with them....She came in the class...I was like OMG!!
and I was staring at her when she put her make up on....I dunno why somehow I started to laugh..LOL!!Then when down stairts and waited for the performance to start...Lepak lepak...Then Times up went and be the DJ for Assunta la...=)...Omg!!!!Dam scary weh!!And is that fucking women's problem la...I am the DJ I know la what am I suppose to do...Why you dam sibuk and come and kacau me?!Then when I press play why you go press stop and when I press stop you go press play!!WTF!!And Hermine also kena okay!!You made them lose!!Ass!!!Back to story....After that was Clare's turn dam nice weh!!!Then Hermine follow by Francis.....Then everything finish Hermine people started to cry...Biasa la tu.....Then after that me,Darsh and Tanu went and lepak at 5 SC 2 then we jump to 5 SC 4 or 3 la....and I spray my hair at there...I spray Blue colour!!Then lepak at there until the whole thing finish.....So the results is...Clare won 1st!!Wohooooooo!!Go Clare!!Follow by Francis!!OMG I seriously dunno how Francis can get 2nd!!!Assunta or Hermine suppose to get it la!!No francis!!Ish!!I almost cry also that time.....But never cry la......Then after that went to canteen and lepak.....And now I am here blogging...!!Gotta go people!!Ciaos people!And for you all that never come today you all seriously rugi besar weh!!!!!!!!!And I saw..Prashant,Weng Keong,Aaron,Sureen and oheer La Sallens la!!Bye people!!