So dam happy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well today did nothing la.....Buat bodoh and talk to my lovely friends!We were crazy and happy and hyper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yea went back to class talk a lil while then was bm paper.....Do do do.....paper 1 only la tembak only la which one I dunno haha XD!!
Then went for recess...makan makan.....YUMYUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then went back to class did the stupid f*** COMPUTER paper was dam rubish la....Just tembak only la for the whole paper......Who cares for COMPUTER LA!!!!!!!!!!!Aiyoyo!!
Then was maths la.....Was dam scary man...But got funny thing la....got 2 questions from my tuttion paper came out.......I was like....wohoaaaa dam cool weh...
Somemore those 2 questions I dunno how to do...And and I can remember the answers so I go correct loh!WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Kay finish edi took our bags in and then Miss Tan says that she wanna give out our geo paper...
I got dam shocked and I was like shit la....Definelly gonna failed my geo......
So after that teacher call me.....
I got 73!!!!!!!!!!
I was dam baldy happ man!!!!!!!!!I was jumping around the class like some nut head and crazy feller!!
But yea loh......
I cannot brag brag around rite.....So I must keep it low and forget bout my marks....
Oh wells tommorow got choir practice from 8.30 am to 1 pm
Cause have to perform for the anugerah cemerlang shit.....
This Saturday and we only have 2 days to practice!!!!!!
F*** it la!!
Oh wells I wanna go mandi
Cause I bushuk bushuk....
So yea went back to class talk a lil while then was bm paper.....Do do do.....paper 1 only la tembak only la which one I dunno haha XD!!
Then went for recess...makan makan.....YUMYUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then went back to class did the stupid f*** COMPUTER paper was dam rubish la....Just tembak only la for the whole paper......Who cares for COMPUTER LA!!!!!!!!!!!Aiyoyo!!
Then was maths la.....Was dam scary man...But got funny thing la....got 2 questions from my tuttion paper came out.......I was like....wohoaaaa dam cool weh...
Somemore those 2 questions I dunno how to do...And and I can remember the answers so I go correct loh!WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Kay finish edi took our bags in and then Miss Tan says that she wanna give out our geo paper...
I got dam shocked and I was like shit la....Definelly gonna failed my geo......
So after that teacher call me.....
I got 73!!!!!!!!!!
I was dam baldy happ man!!!!!!!!!I was jumping around the class like some nut head and crazy feller!!
But yea loh......
I cannot brag brag around rite.....So I must keep it low and forget bout my marks....
Oh wells tommorow got choir practice from 8.30 am to 1 pm
Cause have to perform for the anugerah cemerlang shit.....
This Saturday and we only have 2 days to practice!!!!!!
F*** it la!!
Oh wells I wanna go mandi
Cause I bushuk bushuk....