Hey there!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hahaha!!
So yea
Today had the hari anugerah cemerlang thingi so yea
Here's thee story
Woke up at near 7,Bath went to skool was running in caus was late edi...Then did the make up rubbish thingi
Aiyoh I dont wanna put but I have to then practice a lil before going down...to perform...
Then sang the negaraku went up back rehears a lil again then went down and perform again....
Then went we were performing its not bad and its not that rubbish la
It was fun...and funny at the same time and I think that the Datin Kathleen Yeo and Sister Enda Ryan was enjoying our performnence you can see the smile on their faces......
So cute.....Okay.....Then I saw sweet mae sitting there and she was laughing and smiling at me.....=.=
So mean la you SM....HAHAHA Joking only la..Jangan marah....
Then band preform dam nice man but no offence to them the band members the base was kinda abit to loud...
And they played HEY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!!dam nice espically hey baby
I really enjoyed myself man!
Oh yea and I saw MAYURI!!!,ANISHKA,MELISSA AND HUDA at there....
But I was dam happy when I saw Mayuri at there.....GOD MAN!!!She looks so cute and pretty with her this hair....Oh boy*melts*
Then finish went up took our bags then went to the canteen....Wanted to eat
So me Gini and Tanu was whining at there for food
Cause we was dam hungy!!Then we se teachers and parents get to eat we tak boleh...SAD SAD....
Then afer that Hana came la..She went and line up to get food cause all of us was hungry like mad la!!
So after we(me tanu and gini)went to hana there and we also makan haha
Me.tanu,gini,hana,andrea,anita, and hanida....
Then lepak with them makan and waited until 1 and now i am here blogging
Its been six months now
Everyday my heart and mind are calling for you
I gotta admit that I still LYSDFM
I've been missing you crazy lately
Where are you,
I cant wait till this sunday
To see you again
Everyday my heart and mind are calling for you
I gotta admit that I still LYSDFM
I've been missing you crazy lately
Where are you,
I cant wait till this sunday
To see you again