Kay lets blog bout today(Sunday)
Woke up went to church
Went for service
Then Sunday skool....
Alot of people never come cause still in their dream land....
And I seriously dam piss off with Chirstal Anne
She dam smart saying that I'm ignoring her and dunno what shit all padahal I never
Come on la her attitude change alot since she join cheer la
What is her****problem I never do anything to you
Kay I come to skool late I got no place to talk did I feel that you are trying to ignore me?
No rite?Now you come to skool late and you wanna feel that I am ignoring you cause you cannot talk to me properly You say that I ignoring you
Hey come on la its not like I never talk to you rite?I still got rite?Please dont be so smart and say shit stuff bout me la
Look at yourself 1st la!Please la
And during sunday skool you sit on the floor padahal you are not suppose to rite?and you know that!
And when you dont get something you want...You starting to act like a ****baby
And you are a *********14 years old so act like 1yes I admit Id o act like that but not as bad as you
I thought we could be friend for along time but with you this attitude I will try my best...
Then after sunday skool I walk to church and
Then guess you I saw?I saw HIM!
I got shock giler kau kau man my heart beating dam fast
Cause I was suppose to say hi but I did not!
Dam smart rite so now I think he's kinda piss at me........
Sorry weh I told you rite?
I told you that I was afraid rite?Then I was like shit how to say
I dont dare and somemore my Godmother is there.....
Then he went back....So i went and talk to my Godmother la....
Came back home.....Message him...Told him and explain everything to him la............
Then did the sejarah
And now here blogging and I still not yet finish my sejarah XD!!!!!
Signing off
#Elisabeth Chan#
*Being Dumb now*