Hey humans....Kay I know its been quite a while since I have blog
Its due to my lazyness haha XD!So just tahan loh
I am not that rajin anymore la
Everyday update my blog like last time and some more with those homeworks that are piling up like mountains and gunung-ganang...Haih...Sad sad Eli
Kay lets talk bout what happen today
Woke up and went for tuition nearly fell asleep infront teacher
So she definitely will kill me la if I sleep in class rite?So yeah
today was dam fun la we started new chapter today which is chapter 9=LOCUS.....
Its fun la
Me.Sai.Krishi.and Renita all laughing there like orang gila....Cause was not there mah
So we make fun and talk rubbish
Haih cannot wait for the next time
After that went to the bicyle shop and did some stuff
Came back home watch tee vee
Eat,Watch teevee,Play Comp,Watch teevee,Mop the floor,and now playing the comp
So yeah as you can see my daily life at home is dam boring....
Dam I cant wait until tommorow man!!!Going out withTanu they alll!!!!!!!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Cannot wait man!!Faster la....But WTF rite Shuhada is coming!
I mean is not like I hate her but I just dont really like her already
After what happen last year,I tottaly had enough of it
I just wanna keep my record clean and safe this year
So yeah loh.....
Anywho today I prank Tanu and Dana
I told them that I'm with*inserts name*
They got dam shock and they believe man!!!I was laughing my ass of here!!
And down bother bout th pic up there I just like it!!!Hahahahahahahahahahahahiahiahaahahahahahahahahah
Signing off
#Elisabeth Chan#