Owh well today I can considered is one of the most happiest day in my life!,
Many things happen in school today
What ever happen today it seems to make me happy,
Went for tuition I thought that the teacher is gonna screw me for not finishing my maths work
Well lucky me teacher ask us to pass up the work after the examination is over(:
And had lotsa fun with my crazy-cute-adorable friends(;
They made me go boowhoo!
And guess who I saw?
I saw the girl that I used to like in school I went crazy and started blushing like mad!
Mitra and the rest of them we laughing =.=
But I gotta admit that she memang dam cute la!
Then head back to class and started talking with them
And Crystal told us what happen between her and Claudia
And finally they are normal back again(:
And during Sejarah Kala did not come to class(:
That 1 I lagi happy la!
Then it was KH period as usual I was thinking like the same old boring lesson
But today was fun!
We this thing that was something bout electricity
Had fun playing with the tools and I was playing with this thing the 'pateri' la
Or something like that....
Geez dam fun today and yesterday aiyah the whole entire week was fun like mad
Gah wish every week is like this!!
Haih,I feel like I am missing that "someone" Come back to school aite?
Dam but I am not falling for her la...
Bye,and oh Imydfm now la!Ilydfm also!
Haih dunno what is wrong with me!
Ah shaddap eli!
Gah wish every week is like this!!
Haih,I feel like I am missing that "someone" Come back to school aite?
Dam but I am not falling for her la...
Bye,and oh Imydfm now la!Ilydfm also!
Haih dunno what is wrong with me!
Ah shaddap eli!