Okay today KANE came to school!!
Dam happy cause so long I never see her!
She looks very very different seriously different!
Kay today went for Karate did karate stuff then lepak in class doing stars! Cause we got nothing better to do!
Gagagagag!!!!Then Science study study study!
Then Bm!Didnt give a dam bout it......
Then recess that is went I saw KANE!!!
Talk to her for the whole entire recess time.....
Then ran back up took my pencil box and ran down back and guess what?
I drop a few stars!!;(
Dam sad la! I so susah susah do some more!!!
Then I told her that I will see her in awhile but I didnt
So sorry KANE!!!!!Then studied English was half boring half fun
And after the lesson me and Dana kena called by teacher
I thought we are going to kena marah cause we were doing stars at there
But tengok tengok tteacher started asking us bout how is her teaching and she say me and Dana is very good in English!!
But the teacher is nice and a lil boring sorry cher!
Then was maths did nothing and started doing the stars again and Pn.Norhidayah give us to see her weding foto!
She looks dam pretty!
So after that was Sejarah!
Kala ask us to hafal from page 13something to 141 dam alot man!!
And some more bentang on this friday!
Dam mother man!
And after that was Geo!
Had fun!!!Lotsa funnnn!!! And I made a small star for Tanu!
And I am gonna make somemore to my close friends!!!Including my form 3 friends!!
Kay thats bout it !
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!
Cant wait man!!
AND SORRY KANE!!! SEE YOU THIS FRIDAY!!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Cant wait for this friday cause got lit night!!! Weeeeeeeeee!