1) My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION ... "You wait! Just wait till your father comes back!"
2) My Mother taught me about RECEIVING ... "You are going to get it when we reach home!"
3) My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE ... "Look at me when I'm talking to you! Why are you staring back at me?!"
4) My Mother taught me about HEALTHY COMPETITION ... "Aunty Mary's son scored 100 marks for Maths! Why can't you be like him?"
5) My Mother taught me about FINANCIAL PLANNING ... "Make sure you marry a rich man/woman in future!"
6) My Mother taught me about HISTORY... "Many many years ago, when I was your age, I used to...."
7) My Mother taught me to be HOUSE-PROUD ... "Chalet? Stay what chalet? You got no house to stay is it?!"
8) My Mother taught me about GENETICS ... "You ..you're just like your father!"
9) My Mother taught me about the WISDOM OF AGE ... "When you get to my age, you'll understand."
10) My Mother taught me about JUSTICE ... "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like YOU...Then you'll know what it's like!"
11) My Mother taught me about POWER... "I am YOUR mother, you better listen to ME!"'
Isn't these are the things that your mother always say and tell to you?
Hahahahahah Just bear with it..After all their are our crazy mom!