Today I woke up and follow mum to Old Town Market..
Some how the place is more stinky then ever..After that came back home put the things down
and straight went for badminton at Section 14 there..(BTW it was 1 pm at that time!,I know its crazy but its indoor!)
Then me,mom,dad,2nd bro reach there..A moment later Joshua,Micheal,Spencer,Andrew,JJ,and Raz came(My bro's friends)
Then played for 3 hours.Dam syiok sendiri!!XD! Then came back home cook lunch and guess what happen?
The hot only tumpah and kena everywhere including my leg kena!
Dam awesome?NOT!Then went down cycle came up..Watch tv and then bath and then!..
I'm here blogging..HAHAHA Dam lame post yes I know!