Today I went out the whole day!!Weeeeee!!
Went to Ikea first..Then see stuff so boring!Brought lotsa stuff and by the way their dustbin is seriously cheap only
RM 2.80!you know!
Then I ate the swedish meat balls..(Dont think wrong!)
So dam nice!(Not in the wrong way again)Then jalan jalan until 4.30..
Went to church..
On the way to church I felt asleep in the car..And guess what.I slept the wrong position and so now my neck hurts like someone just broke it..
After that wanted to go to IOI Mall but it was too congested so we did not go..Then headed to Manja for dinner..
tiba-tiba we saw my aunt,uncle and my 2 cute adorable cousin sis..
Ate with them..Then talk talk and talk..
Came back home bath,watch tv and here talking crap!!
Sorry la.
I know my blog sucks..hehe...Bye