
Happy Aniversary to 2C3!

Today its just plain as usual.
Went to school for class party and cause Tanu ask me to come..
Met Mitra at school than started talking and she told me that she came to school on Monday she told me that she was so sesated (Sorry la) then tanu came talk and darsh and they told me that both of them came to school on Tuesday..
So basically they all got sesated there..and I did not go to school at all XD except today =.=
Then teacher ask us to go for the counseling room to just duduk at there and then we all used the comp since teacher was not in XD! Dam mean kan..But welcome to 2C3 world! then class party started ate like a pig!
I ate 2 slices of Hawaiian Pizza and 2 Big Apple donuts and drank a few comes of carbonated drinks and a few pieces of jellies and a slice of cake (Chocolate Indulgence) that proves how fat am I now!!!
Fat Pig Eli!!!Fat Pig!! Then we all clean up the table..(See we dam good kan?)hahha not funny =.=!
Then played uno the whole day then prefect ask us to go down for some rubbish maklumat and taklimat so basically we all stuck in the hall for 1 whole hour for no reason..then we played uno again was dam fun and funny man!!
oh yea those who did not come you all wasted nice pizzas and donuts!