Exams are over, form 2 life is over, too.What's next?
PMR and form 3? Who knew that time flies so fast right?
At this moment I still can't believe that I'm form 3 next year it feels like its my freshman year.
Neways exam's are like frigging over and we are doing nothing in class but its really fun cause get to laugh our lungs out after 3 weeks of silents in class. Playing Dare or Darer and Truth Or Dare it was super fun.
Who knew that we could turn those games into like effing fun?
Especially with Tanu,Darsh,Dana,Cryst,Sam,Cloud,and Shirley.. You can really laugh your ass off like mad.
Making it in to the corrupt,horny and mixture of song and movies it was a really stress free we had so much fun and we did not realize our voices can be heard till the next 3-4 classes!!I wish the time didn't pass so fast.
In the end of the day it was really crappy the exam results are mood killers..Like seriously mood killers...
There's really nothing much we can do anymore.. The exam is over..But HALLELUJAH!!
PS:AIMING FOR 3C1!!I'm so on with you Tanu