I think I'm gonna jump down soon if I dont get out of the house soon!!'
Home=Prison and Hell(mixture of both)
Oh wells I think I have a story.. Okay.. Yesterday when I was at home my mom received a call from her friend
So she told my mom that she needs me to go for this interview and so I was like okay( since I can make some money)
Then around 12.30 I reach there.Then I went up to this office where my mom's friend ask me to go. So surprisingly I wasn't the only one there cause usual I go there alone
When I entered the room I was like WTF!HOLLY SHIT! I feel dam awkward.There were like 9 girls there.
After waiting for quite some time the lady that were suppose to interview us came. So she ask us to intro ourselves and so I did intro myself..
After everyone intro them self the lady started asking questions.All weird questions. And as you know I'm always very slow rite I finally get what was the interview about.Its about the TWISTIES!
They are planing to come out some new flavors ... So after 2 whole hours of sitting in there and questions and this and that
It finish!! Hahahahahaha
But it was really worth for going I got 80 bucks just to answer questions and sitting there!! Shamwoohoo!!!!!