Hello humans and aliens!My bloggie has been dead for quite sometime yea?
Oh wells I wasn't in the mood of blogging so yea loh...
Anyways how are you and things?
Well for me is being fun except for the result la...
Seriously dam piss with the results
I did not expected to failed no
well i did but not that bad la...
And somethings are not going the way I wanted it to be la...
So quite hard pain la....
Well other things are going on like normal
and yesterday tanu told me this joke was seriously dam funny
I was laughing my ass off until I cry and I almost fel down the chair at the science lab
I was seriously dam funny weh!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!LOL!!!
Kay I just being crazy la...Aiyoyo
Today we had fire drill practice
Was dam funny
We all took our own sweet time and jalan only....
And the thing is rite
If lets say there is real fire and we all selamba walking rite
Wont we be dead??Kena hagus terbakar rite?
So yeah.....And because we dam selamba only we had to do it again...=.=
Dam potong
and on the way walking upstairs with my class people rite..
We heard the bell rang la...So we all ran down back but half way we all was like why so short one tis time they rang it??
Then we walk up back..Cause was actually..The end of the period...Our whole class people were lauging like mad man!!!
LOL!!!rite...So this time they rang la we were in the class we just sat and talk la then we noticed it was the fire drill
It was like 1 minute then we were like OH FIRE DRILL!!Then we all ran out and down...
Dam funny weh my class!
So after that finish la....We walking back...Then when we walking back we kena this bitch stare from a form 1
We all was like WTF is her problem man!!We never do anything wrong at you kan?!Dam bitch la you!
So after that we all was like Bitch you la!!!
And I know who is the feller...
The bitch name is SANGEETA!!!
Eh bitch we know who you are and what class are you in kay?!
Next if I see you giving us that bitch stare rite we bitch you up and screwed you up....in a nice way la....
Like duh we all dont go hunting for a bitch like her wan la....
Oh wells of to bed!