This post is dedicated to some one who likes to intefer in my private life=)
I am not mad at you I just wanna clear things up,Cause I think neither me or him should be treated in this way
First thing,
Me and him are not together we are just good friends=)
Second thing
I admit that I like him but now it dosen't matter anymore,
Third thing,
I don't even give a dam if someone likes him,Cause I know its not my love life its hers right?
Fourth thing,
Stop saying that me and him are lying,We are telling you both the truth and its your problem if you don't wanna believe us kay?
Lastly this is very important!
Just stop saying that we are together cause we are NOT NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Get it?!and stop asking that particular question again would you?
Maybe you don't feel irritated when you keep on asking that particular question
But both of us feel irritated kay?
~~Thanks hope that you read this post~~