Today is a normal ordinary day for me except for extra laughters in the AV room=)
Went to school around 8 or 9 something,Did my Sejarah work which until now is still not complete =P
Hang out with Dini and Dana
Then jump to Sharence follow by Mitra....=)
Then talk to her and did my work skip Karate!How smart I was?
Anyways Tanu and Darsh-he arrived then talk and eat
I was eating sea wheat =)!Taste dam blady good man!Then tanu me mitra and dars-he was talking bout the Tsunami again!So yeah talk talk then school started went to the caunseling room and then teacher receive a call from Pn.Hong I think?So she went and see her
So since teacher wasant there we used the comp =)
We went to youtube,facebook and Crystal's blog until the period was over =(
Went back to class study Science and Bm
Went for recess then ran to AV room for English=)
Then my group we did this acting in the AV room and the theme/tittle was The Phantom Of The Oprah!
So I was Raoul,Tanu was Phillipe,Darsh was Meg,Erra was Monseiur Firmin,Nateeyaa was Mounseir Armand and lastly Dana was the storry teller!
I coudnt stop laughing the whole entire time!hahahahahah the play was dam funny until I cant even stop laughing
So yeah after was maths then I and Tanu walk together then we saw Darsh infront
Me Tanu
Eh Darsh infront la
Now maths time la
Maths la dei!
Oh yeah hoh
So me,crystal and Tanu started running then I was at the back of Darsh!
She saw me she also started running!
So the 4 of us were running like mad!!!Dam funny weh!!!!!
So yeah Then sejarah and geo
Geo was fun man!!!
So yeah thats it! Bye