
I made my mistakes got no where to run

Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ahahahah!!!!!!!!Hello!I know my blog is like nyawa-nyawa ikan XD!Oh btw tomorrow is Tanu's birthday!!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!Oh and guess what?
My school got a lot of people got sick =(Get well soon yea?Just praying and hoping that there is not H1NI!Touch wood
Including some of my friends are sick but not that bad just slightly=)
Oh and we watch phantom on monday,tuesday and wednesday =)
And Raoul is seriously hot!!*Melts*Chirstine was pretty and Phantom is not ugly at all!He looks dam blady cute!
And I dunno why this week is fun and I lost 5 bucks today!
So stupid rite and then was my makan money =.=so I pinjam 2 bucks from Darsh..Thanks alot!Pay you tomorrow yea
I dont care you have to take the money!And I am currently reading NEW MOON!!!!!OMG I know I dam slow but neways NEW MOON is so romantic weh!Edward dam hot and so is Jacob but I prefer Edward and Bella is pretty doh =)
OMG I tell you Jasper looks like got hypnotized sorry!
Kay bye got nothing to say

P.S=Thanks Claudia for the 5 bucks I shall pay you tomorrow yea=)