Yoyoyoyo!!!!!!!!!!!I am back!
I am like so off mood these past few day's but now I'm getting better =)!
Yay for Eli!!!
So yeah today like dam boring and this afternoon is like blady annoying
I was taking a nap in the living room but the weather was so hot so I went to sleep at the comp room
But thanks to my stupid brother!He woke me up!So I went to my parents room and sleep cause my mom ask me then
my smart father making the hell lot of noise I cannot sleep =.=
See!!!I where can sleep in peace?
So I also like argh!la s I tak tidur!=.= potong some more I dam dead sleepy and tired!
Geez people!
Bye I am dead tired!!!
Dear God,please help me to over come with all this funny and confusing feeling =)
Cause I'm to tired and lazy to go through it again,
Let me have the strength to wake up again and fight against with those fear and let me learn how to go through with those feeling and him=)
Is it me or you?
Or maybe its both of us...And I don't know why are you doing this to me=(
It hurts me just to much and you never knew
Tell me went you are ready to talk to me again Cause I aint wanna drag this thing on..
Tell me and my heart Cause I wanna clear things up=)
I bet its from my fault
You never tell me what is wrong with me or you.
Or maybe you just don't wanna talk to me anymore?