Great just great my fuckted up ulser and my swolen eyes turn into to be a nightmare
Well maybe not my eyes la but my ulser is killing me!Urgh!
Can't eat nor drink properly it hurts like some mad cow man!!
Anyways today I went out the whole entire day
Woke up at 7 plus then went to excersice at Taman Jaya
Then rush back home after eat and stuff rush to Ikea
After Ikea ran to Ikano...Then shop shop shop went to TTDI for food!*rubs tummy*
Then went to Phoenix at State there..to get my brothers stuff..
Don't have so went to Amcorp Mall...Went for Novena
Then went to Bintang Supermarket near my place and shop again!
So practically today is my shopping day!!
1)Ikea=A really nice vase for my stars
2)Ikano=Almost bought a top
4)Amcorp=Nearly got a pair of heels but have to rush out!=.=
5)Bintang=Stationery's and food and stuff
So yeah anyways congrats to the Confirmation Candidates today! And I am dead tired now and I have to wake up early again for mass =) Bye!