Hey people!!!Guess what?Today my class people went to the Muzium Kraftangan Malaysia!
It was boring man!
Here the stories goes...
Woke up at 6 then got ready for school,reached there bout 6.51 saw mei kuan!and talk to her then Dana,crystal,sammi and claudia came la..
So we all waited for tanu and darsh and me and dana thought that they both forgotten or what la
So we call darsh's house and a sister say that she is coming to school la.,Then tanu and darsh came so yeah
we all makan breakfast.
It was fried noodle's not bad la got on the bus and by the way the bus sucks man!no aircond!
Dam panasing man!
So yeah reach there went around see and see here and there with the so call tour guide feller
He explain here and there la but 1 thing I can tell you the place was humongous!seriously!
So yeah we all cam whore at there la..pictures must go curi..
Then this is the funny thing la my friends were sitting on the stairs case there and the rest took pictures la then
suddenly got these 1 mat saleh guy ask us if can he take our pictures all la..
We all were like errr....Okay
He was a New Yorker he is a nice guy la.
Then lepak lepak around there and see here and there!...Went to the souvenir shop the things at there is expensive gila man!
So yeah went back to school and this time the bus is way better man! but it was dam bumpy.=.=!
Then in the bus rite me and Crystal wanted to take pictures but the bus was like dam bloody bumpy and the vibration was strong we were laughing like mad!but we manage to get 1 picture la.
So yeah came back to school makan the tomato rice taste good but it was hot!.So yeah.
Then went back to class all also like zombies cause were tired.So yeah after that was recess all makan like normal then teacher had meeting so yeah no teacher in the class.
We all cam whore in the class!hahaha was dam fun man!!
so yeah thats it I think!
Pictures will be uploaded soon yeah! bye!