OMG!!Today dam bloody funny man!
You know what happen going back time?
We all have to go tho the dewan for some taklimat crap la
Then after that we make noise la..
So suddenly Pn.Elizabeth came la.
So obviously everyone will shut up rite?
But since Darshini was such a genius she said this
Why everybody suddenly so quite wan?
I,mitra,tanu,dana,crystal and the rest was laughing like mad man
We all try so hard to make our self not to laugh! Haih! Dam funny man!
And today went we all was watching Phantom right?
Dam potong man!Suddenly teacher say that we have to go down for the bloody taklimat! =.=!
Hahahahah today all dam funny man!All like dam blond!
BTW!Welcome back to school to Crystal and Dana!
Love you both alotsa!