The Colours Of Rainbow So Pretty In The Sky

I didn't notice that yesterday was my 200th post..
But I'm happy after months and months craving of that particular number to be out!
Nothing much happen,Neither many story,too
Well my day begin by attending Sunday School class
It was yet another typical boring class=.=(Although I'm used to it)
Attended mass and came home for food and then started rack sacking my whole entire kitchen cupboard!
Ate then I watch teevee and did some of the KGT folio!
Sleep and GOD knows what I did after that!lalalal
I'm talking crap here!BOOO me!
So yea yesterday I was dead boring so I took so pics but only 1 was nice so yeah!
I Just Cant Stop Loving You

Currently watching Micheal Jackson's Concert!!!
Fucking awesome man!!!
By the way!...
Without You Is Hard To Survive

Aloha humans!Today I went out to meet my Australia uncle(which I never knew he existed!)
So yeah
Morning I woke up and off to tuition,learn rotation.Was confused!!Been doing it some many hundred times man
But I finally give up..Came back makan rest then play comp for a lil while and then sleep!XD(I know such a fat pig rite?)
Then woke up bath change then went to see my uncle and aunt
Drove down to KL Melia hotel..and meet them there..
They are really really nice people=)
So somehow while going up the lift I saw the workers of the hotel protesting in front of the hotel..Gosh they were screaming their lungs out!and saying some rubbish stuff..
Then we all had a long chit-chat moment...Bout 6 or so walk to Imbi road to have our dinner..
Not bad la..But GOD knows why my mom likes that place!
So when we wanted to cross the road rite we waited at there for the green so that we can walk but after so long the car did not jalan nobody jalan so we jalan and went we jalan the cars jalan!Dam annoying man
So yea went back to the hotel again,had another long chit-chat time and we came back..So yeah I mean they are seriously nice man!and their daughter is also called Elizabeth =.=!I know!!But my one lagi special my one is Elisabeth!!!So yea more unique!And I keep on thinking today is Saturday!hahahahhahahaha!!
Bye duckies!
I know its my fault to ask you that particular question.Its my bad
I am so dam bloody sorry..=(Will you forgive me?
I am so dam bloody sorry..=(Will you forgive me?
Lessons My Mother Taught Me...

1) My Mother taught me about ANTICIPATION ... "You wait! Just wait till your father comes back!"
2) My Mother taught me about RECEIVING ... "You are going to get it when we reach home!"
3) My Mother taught me to MEET A CHALLENGE ... "Look at me when I'm talking to you! Why are you staring back at me?!"
4) My Mother taught me about HEALTHY COMPETITION ... "Aunty Mary's son scored 100 marks for Maths! Why can't you be like him?"
5) My Mother taught me about FINANCIAL PLANNING ... "Make sure you marry a rich man/woman in future!"
6) My Mother taught me about HISTORY... "Many many years ago, when I was your age, I used to...."
7) My Mother taught me to be HOUSE-PROUD ... "Chalet? Stay what chalet? You got no house to stay is it?!"
8) My Mother taught me about GENETICS ... "You ..you're just like your father!"
9) My Mother taught me about the WISDOM OF AGE ... "When you get to my age, you'll understand."
10) My Mother taught me about JUSTICE ... "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like YOU...Then you'll know what it's like!"
11) My Mother taught me about POWER... "I am YOUR mother, you better listen to ME!"'
Isn't these are the things that your mother always say and tell to you?
Hahahahahah Just bear with it..After all their are our crazy mom!

live is amazed and love is a riddle(:
There is nothing to blog this days!Holidays sucks to the max!
Can't even do anything besides finishing bloody home works!Which also sucks to the max!
My list of homework is like a never ending marathon..Well I will have to bear with it for a little while more?
Maybe so....Gah just ignore this stupid post...I did it just to kill time and try to kill my brodemess....
!By the way!!A-10-TION!
This is dedicated to the assuntarians!
Out side our school near the black bus stop(Next to the blue one)
There's a pervert a seriously disgusting pervert!.He's Chinese,small eyes as in really really small ones,a guy,Looks really ugly i mean he looks excalty like a "CINA APEK"So yeah
How Do You Sleep?

Let's be random for today!!
1)I like eating food
2)I love to sleep
3)I love to talk
4)I love to enjoy my life
5)I like yo do what humans does
6)I like to hit my head on my room door when I'm angry,sad or frustrated
7)I love to laugh and smile
8)I love my friends to the max!<3 style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0);">9)I like being random
10)I love cheese!!
So yeah those are top ten most random!
What Hurts The Most
Sometimes I wish that I wasnt even born!!!
What the fuck?
Guys always gets to go out and hang out with their friends,gets to ask how much money they want,what time they come back also can,can do whatever they want,no need to do housework and all that!!!
But why do I have to do all the house work,not allow to go out,gets money dam little,must be back by 8 and this and that!!Why??
I have been helping with the house chores and I'm not allow to go out???
What the fuck!!!
I rather die!!!!
I cant meet friends here and there also!!!
When I was younger they told me to wait until I'm 14!then only I can do what ever I want!!!
But now I'm a bloody fucking bitching 14 and you dont let me to do anything!!!
I obeyed you people,tolerate with you all and went I'm angry you all don't like????
Why?!!!Just because I'm the youngest so I can't do anything la!!!
Only you people can get angry is it?!!!
What you got feeling and I don't is it???????
Yeah I bet you all hate me as much you all want
I every time do things that you all ask me to do I do quietly and what do I get in the end??
SCOLDING,SHOUTING,SLAPING AND ALL THAT RIGHT??And the guys went they do some thing wrong you say its okay!
They always get second chance and so many chances!!
And I what????????????????
Tell me?
I get good results you not happy I don't get good results you all scream at me and compare me with my brothers!!!
But when the guys don't get good results never mind and when they get good results
You all dam happy and when I ask you all why you all say cause he's your brother!!!!!!!!!!
So that means all you care is bout your son's right??
I think you should have listen to the doctor to abort me!!
I think I prefer that!!!!!
I cant do anything!!
The only thing I can do is do the house chores,wash the toilet and study
where else the guys can go have fun no need to wash the toilet,no need to do the house chores and when they want to study or dont want to study never mind!!!!!!!!
Have you all ever thought how do I feel!!!??
Have you???
You all always say that I'm the luckiest!!!WHY??
Just because I can get what I want You consider that as lucky?
And that was last time!!
But now what I want also cannot!!
If I ask some thing you all give me bitch stare all!
And if Gabriel does not go to church you all don't care!Why?
Simple!Cause he is older and A GUY!!!!
If I don't go for once you all start giving me lecturing all la!
You all always also say this!!
That I'm the mean,stupid and fat one!!!
And Nicholas is the angel,smart,good boy,this la that la!!
And Gabriel is the eldest so you must respect him,listen to him la,smart la this la that la!
If you all talking bout respect I can tell you that I respect all of you!!!
But have you ever respect me!??????!!!!
Why? Simple cause I'm the youngest!!
Its not that I hate you all!
But you all sure make me as the bad 1 and so you all can use me!!!!
But no matter what I will still love you all even though how much you all hate me!!
Cause you all are my family!
Throw Up Your Arms Into The Sky

Talking about school?School is boring for these few days!!
And plus we have to this bitch that comes in our class and shout every time..and she cant even shut up for once
If she dosent screams for at lease 1 time when she comes in that must be something wrong
I just wish that she bang her head against something so she dosent have to come to school!
By the way! Watching Twilight with Miss.C and my class mates are awesome!!
Its funny at times!
But yeah really got nothing to blog la
I blog because Miss.C ask me to update so I update loh XD!Dont marah Miss.C!
So yeah I really wish that she could be our teacher for the rest of our schooling life!!
And she is like our very good friend I think my class people as us are treating her more like a friend instated of a teacher...Cause she is dam nice!
Its My Mistake And I Have Should Know It
I hate that feeling and I know I should not like .....
But let me tell you something people!!I do not like ....anymore I'm so over it!!!
And .....is still my good friend!And I really wish that....Dosent treat me coldly!!
Cause I am dam blady serious that I 1000000 percent dont like....in another way round anymore!
So yeah!
But let me tell you something people!!I do not like ....anymore I'm so over it!!!
And .....is still my good friend!And I really wish that....Dosent treat me coldly!!
Cause I am dam blady serious that I 1000000 percent dont like....in another way round anymore!
So yeah!
It's Like Learning Sejarah But In A Bad Way

Hey people!!!Guess what?Today my class people went to the Muzium Kraftangan Malaysia!
It was boring man!
Here the stories goes...
Woke up at 6 then got ready for school,reached there bout 6.51 saw mei kuan!and talk to her then Dana,crystal,sammi and claudia came la..
So we all waited for tanu and darsh and me and dana thought that they both forgotten or what la
So we call darsh's house and a sister say that she is coming to school la.,Then tanu and darsh came so yeah
we all makan breakfast.
It was fried noodle's not bad la got on the bus and by the way the bus sucks man!no aircond!
Dam panasing man!
So yeah reach there went around see and see here and there with the so call tour guide feller
He explain here and there la but 1 thing I can tell you the place was humongous!seriously!
So yeah we all cam whore at there la..pictures must go curi..
Then this is the funny thing la my friends were sitting on the stairs case there and the rest took pictures la then
suddenly got these 1 mat saleh guy ask us if can he take our pictures all la..
We all were like errr....Okay
He was a New Yorker he is a nice guy la.
Then lepak lepak around there and see here and there!...Went to the souvenir shop the things at there is expensive gila man!
So yeah went back to school and this time the bus is way better man! but it was dam bumpy.=.=!
Then in the bus rite me and Crystal wanted to take pictures but the bus was like dam bloody bumpy and the vibration was strong we were laughing like mad!but we manage to get 1 picture la.
So yeah came back to school makan the tomato rice taste good but it was hot!.So yeah.
Then went back to class all also like zombies cause were tired.So yeah after that was recess all makan like normal then teacher had meeting so yeah no teacher in the class.
We all cam whore in the class!hahaha was dam fun man!!
so yeah thats it I think!
Pictures will be uploaded soon yeah! bye!
Pretty Young Thing

OMG!!Today dam bloody funny man!
You know what happen going back time?
We all have to go tho the dewan for some taklimat crap la
Then after that we make noise la..
So suddenly Pn.Elizabeth came la.
So obviously everyone will shut up rite?
But since Darshini was such a genius she said this
Why everybody suddenly so quite wan?
I,mitra,tanu,dana,crystal and the rest was laughing like mad man
We all try so hard to make our self not to laugh! Haih! Dam funny man!
And today went we all was watching Phantom right?
Dam potong man!Suddenly teacher say that we have to go down for the bloody taklimat! =.=!
Hahahahah today all dam funny man!All like dam blond!
BTW!Welcome back to school to Crystal and Dana!
Love you both alotsa!
It Dosent Matter If You Are Black Or White

Hey people!!Wee!I know my blog is like dam dead sorry lor..
Anyways yesterday(Saturday)I went out in the morning to go eat dim sum with my mother family side
Since my uncle came down from Dubai so yeah.
Went to Sri Petaling and eat there.
Ate like a big fat pig!So much food until cannot finish.When the bill came I tell you can work at there lor to pay your bill XD!Guess how much was it?It cost us 280 bucks for just a blady dim sum.And the dim sum tastes like crap only
So not worth to eat man!Then after makan
Drop my 1st bro at Paramount Garden and fetch my 2nd form his college..Went down to Shah Alam there and pray to my grandpa..Then came back home.Rest a little while bath and went to church for
Novena after that went to State and ate the duck rice*rubs tummy*Then went to Mid-Valley.
Went to MPH and read books.I read NEW MOON continuing it la..But that publisher sucks man what I read there is way different then what I read at home!Fuck you la!
Oh her is the nice part!
After MPH my mom decide to go to Carrefour to get some stuff la.Then when we went to the cashier rite.I saw this Wel-ish boy...GOD he cute giler so obviously I look at him la.Then went I
walking towards the car park I saw him again!
When I got into the car I saw him again this is what happen la
Eh mom that boy is here la(he was walking towards the entrance door to go out)
Aiyah he should open the door mah to let you see him
Eh he open wor!
Because when my dad's car past he open's the door!!
Gah!!dam cute!!
Bye homework is calling!
I made my mistakes got no where to run

Boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ahahahah!!!!!!!!Hello!I know my blog is like nyawa-nyawa ikan XD!Oh btw tomorrow is Tanu's birthday!!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!Oh and guess what?
My school got a lot of people got sick =(Get well soon yea?Just praying and hoping that there is not H1NI!Touch wood
Including some of my friends are sick but not that bad just slightly=)
Oh and we watch phantom on monday,tuesday and wednesday =)
And Raoul is seriously hot!!*Melts*Chirstine was pretty and Phantom is not ugly at all!He looks dam blady cute!
And I dunno why this week is fun and I lost 5 bucks today!
So stupid rite and then was my makan money =.=so I pinjam 2 bucks from Darsh..Thanks alot!Pay you tomorrow yea
I dont care you have to take the money!And I am currently reading NEW MOON!!!!!OMG I know I dam slow but neways NEW MOON is so romantic weh!Edward dam hot and so is Jacob but I prefer Edward and Bella is pretty doh =)
OMG I tell you Jasper looks like got hypnotized sorry!
Kay bye got nothing to say
P.S=Thanks Claudia for the 5 bucks I shall pay you tomorrow yea=)
You Are Not Alone

Yoyoyoyo!!!!!!!!!!!I am back!
I am like so off mood these past few day's but now I'm getting better =)!
Yay for Eli!!!
So yeah today like dam boring and this afternoon is like blady annoying
I was taking a nap in the living room but the weather was so hot so I went to sleep at the comp room
But thanks to my stupid brother!He woke me up!So I went to my parents room and sleep cause my mom ask me then
my smart father making the hell lot of noise I cannot sleep =.=
See!!!I where can sleep in peace?
So I also like argh!la s I tak tidur!=.= potong some more I dam dead sleepy and tired!
Geez people!
Bye I am dead tired!!!
Dear God,please help me to over come with all this funny and confusing feeling =)
Cause I'm to tired and lazy to go through it again,
Let me have the strength to wake up again and fight against with those fear and let me learn how to go through with those feeling and him=)
Is it me or you?
Or maybe its both of us...And I don't know why are you doing this to me=(
It hurts me just to much and you never knew
Tell me went you are ready to talk to me again Cause I aint wanna drag this thing on..
Tell me and my heart Cause I wanna clear things up=)
I bet its from my fault
You never tell me what is wrong with me or you.
Or maybe you just don't wanna talk to me anymore?
I was counting forever and Now I'll never know

Great just great my fuckted up ulser and my swolen eyes turn into to be a nightmare
Well maybe not my eyes la but my ulser is killing me!Urgh!
Can't eat nor drink properly it hurts like some mad cow man!!
Anyways today I went out the whole entire day
Woke up at 7 plus then went to excersice at Taman Jaya
Then rush back home after eat and stuff rush to Ikea
After Ikea ran to Ikano...Then shop shop shop went to TTDI for food!*rubs tummy*
Then went to Phoenix at State there..to get my brothers stuff..
Don't have so went to Amcorp Mall...Went for Novena
Then went to Bintang Supermarket near my place and shop again!
So practically today is my shopping day!!
1)Ikea=A really nice vase for my stars
2)Ikano=Almost bought a top
4)Amcorp=Nearly got a pair of heels but have to rush out!=.=
5)Bintang=Stationery's and food and stuff
So yeah anyways congrats to the Confirmation Candidates today! And I am dead tired now and I have to wake up early again for mass =) Bye!
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